Coastal Georgia Bible Institute
Online Campus of
The New Generation Institute of Biblical Studies and Theological Seminary
The CGBI College and Seminary Division partners with New Generation Institute of Theological Studies and Seminary in Savannah, Georgia. Degree seeking applicants must meet enrollment requirements of the NGISTS and be accepted for joint enrollment. In the case of a program transfer, the NGITS Registrar will determine which previously completed CGBI credits can be accepted for transfer as college credit. All courses in the College and Seminary Division may be completed online with CGBI, in-person on the campus of New Generation Seminary, virtually of by Independent Study (Distance Learning).
Associate in Sacred Literature (A.S.L.)
Coastal Georgia Bible Institute and the New Generation Institute of Theological Studies ad Seminary offers this degree to those who desire to earn a 2 year degree. It is offered for successfully completing 60 semester hours. To enroll in this program, the applicant must have a high school diploma. Transfer credits up to 30 hours may be accepted.
The student must complete the required hours of course work in Bible (15hrs.) and Theology (6hrs.). The remaining hours may be in electives unless an upper level degree is desired.
Associate in Religious Education (A.R.E.)
Coastal Georgia Bible Institute and the New Generation Institute of Theological Studies ad Seminary offers this degree to those who desire to earn a 2 year degree. It is offered for successfully completing 60 semester hours. To enroll in this program, the applicant must have a high school diploma. Transfer credits up to 30 hours may be accepted.
The student must complete the required hours of course work in Bible (12hrs.) and Theology (6hrs.) and Education (12hrs.). The remaining hours may be in electives unless an upper level degree is desired.
Bachelor of Ministry (B. Min.)
To enroll in this program an applicant must have a High School Diploma (or GED), and have graduated from Junior College or have an Associate Degree. Then one must complete 60 semester hours of work, maintaining an average grade of “C.”
Bachelor of Religious Education (B.R.E.)
The candidates for this degree must meet the same requirements for the B.Min. Degree, majoring in the field of Christian Education. It would be recommended that all students have as a prerequisite the A.R.E. degree. Transfer credits up to 60 hours may be accepted.
Bachelor of Theology (Th.B.)
The candidates for this degree must meet the same requirements for the B.Min. Degree, majoring in the field of Theology. It would be recommended that all students complete 75 hours in required courses, and 15 hours in Theology. The remaining hours may be in electives unless an upper-level specialization is desired.
(All college degree programs require Basic Core Courses of Study. English (6 hrs.), Mathematics 101, Humanities, Philosophy, Social Science, Economics, Basic Computer Skills, etc., t
All Bachelor Degree recipients must complete a minimum of 120 academic credits. See Curriculum for specific degree programs.)
Coastal Georgia Bible Institute and Leadership Academy offers the following advanced degree programs to those who are college graduates and desire to seek an advanced degree. The student must maintain a “C” average and complete the requirements specified for each degree program.
Master of Ministry (M. Min.)
This is a graduate degree requiring the candidate to complete 36 semester hours of work beyond the Bachelor degree. The student, before enrolling in this program, must have a Bachelor degree from Coastal Georgia Bible Institute and Leadership Academy or an acceptable college or seminary. The student may concentrate in a major field of study such as Music, Ethnic Studies Bible or Theology. Course Work and Program Outline will be done through Advisement on an individual Basis.
Master of Religious Education (M.R.E.)
The candidate for this degree must complete 60 semester hours of work beyond the Bachelor degree. The student, before enrolling in this program, must have a Bachelor degree from Coastal Georgia Bible Institute and Leadership Academy or an acceptable college or seminary. The student must complete Christian Education (21 hrs), Ministry (9 hrs), Bible (12 hrs), Theology & History (6 hrs), and the remainder in electives. Course Work and Program Outline will be developed through Advisement on an individual Basis.