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Coastal Georgia Bible Institute
Online Campus of
The New Generation Institute of Biblical Studies and Theological Seminary
The Coastal Georgia Bible Institute and Leadership Academy exists to prepare persons for responsible living, service, and ministry, in both church and society through Biblical Training and Leadership Development.
The mission of the Coastal Georgia Bible Institute is to equip persons for ministry in the Christian church and community, and to provide basic theological education for persons who are called of God and who desire to “study to show themselves approved of God” for every good work, and to handle the inspired Word of God with integrity. The CGBI seeks to be faithful to the Bible, the articles and tenants of the faith and our Christian Heritage. The Institute envisions our mission in service to the larger Church of Jesus Christ and the community, with particular concern and respect for denominational and cultural diversity.
The Coastal Georgia Bible Institute and Leadership Academy pursues her mission through Specialized Certificate and General Bible Diploma Programs designed to help individual students to prepare for a wide diversity of ministries and more advanced academic study. The Institute and Academy collaborate with denominational partners to augment clergy and lay Continuing Education and Training opportunities and recognitions. The Leadership Academy specifically connects school, church and community resources to cultivate passionate business and professional community voices for the voiceless, advocates for the disenfranchised, spiritual and moral guidance for the next generation of leaders.
Institute Faculty hold advanced degrees from accredited institutions of higher education and represent service at various levels of ecclesial judicatories in which they preach, teach, conduct worship, counsel, and contribute to the church and scholarly publications. Academy Instructors are recognized and respected community leaders who are proficient in their respective areas of expertise.
Theological education involves the growth of the whole person. More than the transfer of knowledge or certain professional skills, the Coastal Georgia Bible Institute seeks to shape both Christian character, foster spiritual formation, and enable persons to share the experiences of others.
Coastal Georgia Bible Institute and Leadership Academy Post Office Box 2995 Brunswick, Georgia 31521
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)
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